On October 24 th, Huawei Xinsheng Community released a summary of Ren Zhengfei's interview with the northern European media, which is scheduled for October 15 th.
Danish Broadcasting Corporation Philip Khokhar asked: in your previous interview, you have made very clear appreciation of the President of the United States, saying he has done a good job in tax cuts. At the same time, many people say President Trump is also the chief architect behind a series of dilemmas at Huawei's corporate level and at your personal level. What exactly do you think of the president of the United States?
As an enterprise, to establish a sense of crisis, we should constantly innovate, constantly adapt to the changes of the situation, and even have advanced management. The cultivation of crisis consciousness is a powerful weapon for enterprises to resist crisis infringement.
Ren Zhengfei replied: I think the world should learn from the president of the United States to lower taxes so that companies have more money to develop. But while cutting taxes and hitting countries around the world with sticks, Trump scared every country from investing. The purpose of the tax cuts in the United States is to attract foreign investment. No one dares to invest. Who will pay the reduced taxes? If no one pays, the United States will be in financial difficulties. If you cut taxes and be friendly to all countries in the world, it is estimated that the U. S. economy will be greatly revitalized. Now the United States is in trouble as it cuts taxes. The Chinese government is also reducing taxes, gradually reducing taxes, reducing the pressure on enterprises, and strengthening enterprises. The vitality of the industry. We believe that every country will go this way, because high welfare will ultimately be unaffordable to society.
Speaking of U.S. President Donald Trump, Ren Zhengfei said: in fact, I am very grateful to Trump, because after 30 years of Huawei, the vast majority of employees have become rich, and one kind of wealth disease is idleness and comfort. After a while, the company will collapse.
(picture source:搜狗图片)
'At this point, I don't think Trump is bad, 'Mr. Ren told reporters.' he scared the company and everyone was scared, 'Mr. Ren told reporters. I used to scare everyone, but my stick is not strong enough. Trump's stick is big enough. When I scare you, everyone really works hard.
In short, there is no crisis is not terrible, there is no crisis is terrible, and no sense of crisis is terrible. With crisis, dialectical view and handling of crisis, enterprises can achieve healthy and sustainable development. Crisis is an inexhaustible driving force for the rapid development of enterprises. As long as we firmly establish a sense of crisis, all our work can be prevented from happening, enterprises can develop rapidly.
"how good is Shenzhen? why do you have to fight where there is malaria in Africa? Everyone will have this idea, "Ren Zhengfei said." Ren Zhengfei mentioned that when Trump took a dozen sticks, everyone was nervous and had to work hard to produce and "farm". Instead of collapsing, the company's sales revenue increased, which was the result of everyone's efforts.
Ren Zhengfei said I very much support the EU's new digital sovereignty strategy. The wealth of the past was material, so geopolitics is very important. Now is the information society, information has no boundary, digital sovereignty is very important. The new EU policy is to judge on the basis of the facts that all companies should promise not to do bad things in advance, whether audit has done bad things after the event, if not violated, it is a good company that can survive in Europe. Of course, European rules should be universal for all companies, not for Huawei. EU assessment report on 5G network security risks is likely to be throughout the world I think this report is positive and good, and we are not worried because we have never done anything bad. No matter what the rules are, as long as we review it carefully, we may get a chance.
Moreover, Ren Zhengfei said that if Trump wanted to visit Huawei, he would embrace Trump. "Just like your reporters, when you visit our showroom, you are allowed to video and photograph. When the Associated Press visited, even the circuit board allowed them to film back, it didn't matter. "Ren Zhengfei said," If you want to see my office, he is more welcome to have a look, but not as beautiful as his office. ".
While the Huawei has created an international environment, countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom and even Sweden are passing legislation to restrict companies that pose a security threat to their countries from doing business in their countries, asked Ulrika Bergsten in an interview. What does that mean for Huawei, for sweden?